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I want to begin Bee Venom Therapy, 

What is the right way to do this???

There are a few BVT Protocols out there,
yet these are two we enjoy.

Lyme Disease Protocol - BVT


This protocol includes BVT along with a detox protocol. Live bee stings are used 3 times/week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), your weekends are free. This is a time to take it easy and detoxify. This weekend break is important for the body to have a chance to recuperate and remember how to heal itself. I have discovered that the detox protocol is just as important as the live bee sting therapy. The detox protocol involves Epsom salt baths, plus drinking lots of purified water, and 1-2 teaspoons of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water every day but not too close to stinging. You can add some honey to taste.


It is also helpful to take a minimum 300 mg of magnesium per day (preferably not magnesium stereate), also a good multi-vitamin, and an excellent probiotic.

Some people find that Alka Seltzer Gold is helpful for nausea. You can take up to six tabs at one time in a glass of water, no more than 3 times per week.

Always listen to your own body. Do not push the river. You will be doing this protocol for two to three years. So slow and steady wins the race. Remember to do your hot Epsom salt bath for 10 minutes on alternate detox days. DETOX BATHS are NOT to be done on sting days. The reason is that detox baths pull out the bee venom from your body. This is the OPPOSITE action of what we are trying to do. We want to keep the bee venom in your system on sting days. If you do not have access to a bathtub you can use a kiddie swimming pool, a sauna or steam room to sweat for 10 minutes.



There are some side effects that people with Lyme Disease undergo while doing BVT. These side effects are due to the neurotoxins that are given off when the pathogens are killed and “die-off.” This process is called the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction, known as herxing, or herx. It is believed that herxing results from the destruction of pathogens. The body has trouble handling the surge of toxins into the bloodstream, provoking a cascade of reactions very quickly.

Some people experience: flu-like symptoms, heavy perspiration, chills, low grade fever, a taste of metal in the mouth, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, swollen glands, facial paralysis, heart palpitations, tachycardia, mental confusion, tinnitus, skin conditions, pain, conjunctivitis, uncoordinated movement, increased fatigue, sensitivity to light, dizziness, feeling depressed or irritable, neuropathy, muscle cramps, insomnia, night sweats, low or high blood pressure, headaches or migraines.



Limit your exposure to chemicals, pollutants, additive-laden foods, medications that are not necessary, bad water, etc. Raise the level of clean air, water, and food. Listen to your body and please rest when you need to. Any herxing symptoms mean the spirochetes are being killed and “die-off” is happening. This may not be fun, but it is a sign of healing. Herxing is like a “healing crisis.” It is uncomfortable, but not life-threatening. Herxing should be mild to moderate and it will lessen over time. If the herx feels too strong you can skip a session of bee stings and increase your detox. Also you can go down in the number of live bee stings for the next few sessions.



I have several cardinal rules when it comes to BVT.

  • Please do NOT drink any alcohol within 24 hours on either side of stinging. The reason for this is that alcohol may increase the risk of anaphylactic shock. Also do NOT use alcohol on the skin before or after stinging, since this may nullify the beneficial effects of the bee venom.

  • You MUST be able to tolerate 3000 MG of Vitamin C every single day, even on non-sting days. Vitamin C is a raw ingredient that the adrenals need to make cortisol, your body's own natural cortisone. Without enough Vitamin C, your body could go into anaphylactic shock, because you are forcing the body to “frantically” make something it cannot make. There is also the possibility that you could burn out your adrenals over time. Also do not drink coffee with your Vitamin C, it will reduce the potency of the Vitamin C.

  • You MUST have an unexpired EpiPen (which requires a prescription from a doctor) and an8 oz. bottle of children’s liquid Benadryl (alcohol free and preferably dye-free as well).If your tongue and throat start to close up and you are having trouble breathing, this is a systemic reaction, a true allergy (anaphylactic shock). You MUST IMMEDIATELY drink 4 oz. of Benadryl. If you are still having trouble breathing after 30-45 seconds, you MUST use your EpiPen and seek medical attention at once. Make sure you have a charged cell phone with you at all time whenever you are doing BVT. Please read the instructions for the EpiPen before doing any stings at all.

  • You cannot be on a BETA-BLOCKER when you are doing BVT. BETA-BLOCKERS prevent your EpiPen from working if you are going into anaphylactic shock. If you are on a BETA-BLOCKER NOW, check with your doctor to see if either you can wean yourself off it OR if there is another medication that will help you that does not contain a BETA-BLOCKER.

  • DO NOT STING ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. Their have been several cases of people fainting doing bee   stings on an empty stomach. It is ideal to have some protein an hour before stinging.

  • ICE PACKS - It is totally normal during the first month or so to experience redness, swelling, and itching. This may also happen when you go to a new area on the body. This is a good sign that your immune system is waking up and recognizing the foreign proteins and poison in bee venom. You can control these reactions with ice packs and some people use anti-itch cream. Any cream with cortisone can create a serious burn. Please avoid these creams. Theoretically we want to avoid any creams or pills that will nullify the effect of the bee venom, but if you are desperate in the first month, you can use these sparingly. The itching is normal and will subside. I have heard that eating spicy foods fairly close to sting sessions intensifies the burning sensations of the stings. Also eating carbohydrate close to sting times may increase itching. Scratching also increases itching.

  • SCARS BLOCK ENERGY – Please sting all scars on the trunk of the body during the first 2-3 months. You will be amazed at the results. You may even want to take pictures of your scars before and after stinging.

  • Also, do NOT start two new protocols at once, because then you won’t know what’s causing what. Some people have already been on antibiotics for a while when they start BVT. That is fine. I just would not start antibiotics and BVT at the exact same time.


The first few months may be quite challenging. I promise you it does get easier. BVT encourages the body to heal itself. Your goal is to wake up your inner physician and jump-start your immune system. Some people notice that they go through a homeopathic process called retracing. This is when you experience symptoms that you had before, for example in the past or in childhood. The telltale sign of retracing is when you feel like you are backsliding or that you are experiencing symptoms you thought you were done with. For example, if you have had poison ivy as a child, you might develop poison ivy while doing BVT even in the middle of winter. This is normal and is a good sign that your inner physician is waking up.


First ice the area you are planning to sting for about 10 – 15 minutes. Use an ice pack not a real ice cube. Ice cubes will drip and make it harder for bees to sting. Some people place a cloth between the ice pack and the skin to prevent freezer burn. Please start slowly with a “test sting” on your back and take the stinger out immediately, sliding it along the skin and placing it into a tissue, to prevent a secondary sting. DO NOT PULL THE STINGER STRAIGHT OUT INTO THE AIR. THIS MAY LEAVE PART OF THE STINGER IN THE SKIN.


If you are left-handed, you may want to do the test sting on the right side of the back, one inch out from the center of the spine. If you are right-handed you will go to the left side of the back, one inch out from the center of the spine. You will remove the test stinger immediately as stated above.

Wait 30 minutes. Watch for any systemic reaction like hives or swelling of the tongue and throat. If you’re going to have a true allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) you will feel your throat and tongue begin to swell. If this happens, drink 4 oz. of children’s liquid Benadryl. If you have no relief within 30-45 seconds use the EpiPen IMMEDIATELY and seek medical attention right away.


See how you are feeling after those 30 minutes pass. If you have no adverse reaction to the test sting, you can do a second sting on the same day. You can do this on the other side of the spine. Feel free to ice the new area you are planning to sting. Please leave the stinger in about 15 - 20 minutes. (You can place the ice pack near the sting site, as long as you do NOT put the ice pack directly on top of the stinger itself.) When it is time to remove the stinger, be sure to slide it along the skin and place the stinger in a tissue, as described above.


We usually start one inch on either side of the center of the spine. This area is chosen because we want to catch the roots and stems of the nerves as they come out of the spine. We want the bee venom to travel all the way down the nerve pathways. This way we can actually reach the extremities and all your organs without stinging the extremities too early in treatment. The back is the safest place to sting. So since we want to make good use of the venom, while staying on the trunk of the body in the beginning, we sting near the spine in order to reach your extremities and all your organs while staying on the torso for the first few months.


I always sting the trunk of the body for a minimum of 2-3 months. You can sting approximately one inch away from the center of the spine or after a month or so sting any scars on the trunk of the body, including the abdomen. If you have some bladder issues you may sting in the pubic hair itself. Do NOT sting too high up on the back near the neck, because this will create a strong herx or “healing crisis.” I do not sting the head, neck, or any extremities for at least 2-3 months. The first few months are more about giving the body a chance to get used to the venom, rather than dealing with or treating any particular symptom.



You do NOT want to try and hurry the process. Slow and steady wins the race. You can actually cause damage to the liver or the kidneys if you push the river and go too fast or do too much. Lyme spirochetes infiltrate the kidneys, and bee venom and all the neurotoxins in the “die-off” or herx are processed through the kidneys. Please be mindful to be gentle to your inner organs. Down the road, you will be grateful that you did.



It is important to increase the number of stings you get very slowly. After the test sting and the first real sting (left in for 15-20 minutes)…I usually start by doing 2 stings on either side of the spine for each of the next two sessions, then I go up to 4 stings for three sessions, then 6 stings for three session, etc. In other words, I increase the number of stings by two every three sessions. It is very important not to jump from eight stings to fourteen stings. Don't give the body more than it can handle too quickly or too early. Remember, "Slow and steady wins the race." You will be doing bee stings for 2-3 years, so "take it easy." I have found working up to 10 stings per session and being able to tolerate them well is usually sufficient, although some people like to add a few more. I would not go over 20 stings for Lyme disease, as it is overkill. It is more than you need to kill the spirochetes in any one session and may create a stronger, more intense herx. Please listen to you body. Use your own judgment, and see what works for you. But certainly, don't sting the very same area over and over again. It is best to move around. Do not sting where it is already red. That means there is still venom there, so it is not necessary to add more.


So, just to summarize, I increase the number of stings by 2 after three separate sessions. If you have the MTHFR gene, or if you are having trouble herxing or detoxing, I would recommend going much slower. Some people only increase the number of stings by one every three sessions. Others increase the number of stings by one every 6 sessions and so on. Please listen to your body and your own intuition. If you need to skip a sting session due to a severe herx, that is certainly understandable. It will not cause a problem. Just make sure to do extra detoxing on that day and then pick up your stinging on the next scheduled day.


Remember, this protocol is only a guideline. Some people will herx more than others depending on their individual situation. Go as slow as you need to go. Ideally, it is best to sting three times a week to keep the venom in your system. If need be… do not increase the number of stings until you are sure you are tolerating them well. You can go up by 1 sting per week instead of two. Take your time and ask for help if you need it.


PLEASE NOTE: If, for any reason, you have a BREAK between bee stings of 10 – 14 days or more, you will ALWAYS need to do a TEST STINGagain and wait 30 minutes. If you want to you can then start again slowly. This does not mean you are starting over. It just means you are being careful to begin again slowly. Listen to you body and you own inner guidance as you increase your stings over the next few weeks.



After at least 2-3 months of stinging your back and your abdomen, when you want to sting the extremities, do not immediately go right from stinging the trunk of your body and jump down to your elbows or knees. Instead, slowly make your way down the upper arm or leg, perhaps using micro-stings or test stings, creeping your way down to your elbows or your knees. Stings on the extremities do not replace spine stings, which reach all the nerves in your body. You will condition doing some spine stings as well as the new stings on the extremities. It is very important to keep in mind that the stings near the spine truly take care of the bulk of your problems because we are catching the nerve roots.

A special note for women. It is advisable not to sting around the area of your bra.

Remember, please be mindful and avoid stinging areas that might rub close to your sting sites. The more your scratch or rub your stings the more they will itch. Also if you eat carbohydrates and sweets close to sting times, I have heard that the itching is more intense.



Bee venom returns your body to balance as time goes by.  Some people find it beneficial to include other honeybee products (apitherapy) in their diet: honey, pollen, royal jelly, and propolis. This is a great idea, but I caution you start slowly and begin each product one at a time. At some point down the road, you may decide to wean yourself off your meds. If you do this, please be aware that your bee stings may become more powerful. So you may need to reduce the number of stings slowly as you come off your meds. Many things will start falling into place as you continue to sting yourself. You will lose unwanted weight or gain it if you are underweight. Some women have noticed their menses return to a more normal pattern.


As time goes by, you become more comfortable catching bees and stinging yourself. When you are ready, you can now go for more powerful places to sting like acupuncture points. Many acupuncture charts are available online or you can buy my book, “Bee in Balance" on Amazon if you want to learn the theory behind choosing which pathways to sting and which points to select on that pathway. I have been told by many well-known BVT practitioners, especially doctors, that stinging acupuncture points is 80 % more powerful than just stinging where it hurts. Combining acupuncture theory and BVT creates a whole new field of medicine. The whole is greater that the some of its parts.


Also remember that SCARS block energy. Therefore, it is CRUCIAL to sting any scars you have. You will be amazed that scar tissue disappears when stung over time by honeybees. You can sting directly on the scar. You can sting all around the scar, which is called surrounding the dragon in acupuncture theory. But also if your scar runs across some acupuncture pathways, you will need to sting the closest acupuncture points above and below the scar. In this case, you need to know which way the acupuncture meridian flows, up or down on the body. You will sting in the direction of the flow of the meridian. This means that you will sting the lower numbered point and then the higher numbered point.


Everyone is different. You cannot compare your progress or process to anyone else’s. There are so many different strains of Lyme out there as well as different co-infections. Therefore, you may or may not experience things listed in this protocol. Some people experience a strong need to cry and emotional mood swings. Others do not experience this. Either way, bee venom is balancing out your emotions, along with your hormones, and helping the body heal itself.


Treating Lyme and Co-Infections with BVT is a 2-3 year process. You may go through some retracing and herxing. As previously stated the first few months can be really challenging. I encourage you to persevere. If after the first year or so, you experience a return of similar symptoms, this is retracing and I promise you it will not last long.


Please feel free to pass this protocol on to your BVT practitioner or anyone you think it might help.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing contained in this document is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by your physician or acupuncturist.









Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) is used for many conditions including Lyme Disease. Bee venom has been found to kill the Lyme spirochete in labs (ref: Rocky Mountain Laboratories Microscopy Branch).


Our protocol includes BVT three times a week ( every other day, with a 2 day break; an example could be: Mon, Wed, and Fri, taking the weekend off to detox, rest, and relax). Along with BVT it is important to follow a regimen of detoxing which includes Epsom salt baths, drinking plenty of water and apple cider vinegar.


People with Lyme Disease undergoing BVT experience side effects due to the toxins given off by the pathogens as they die. This phenomenon is known as the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction and is also known as herx or herxing. Herxing is believed to occur when pathogens are destroyed and release their endotoxins into the blood and tissues faster than the body can comfortably handle it. This provokes a a cascade of sudden and exaggerated inflammatory responses.


The most common symptoms of herxing reported include increased fatigue, joint or muscle pain, skin rashes, photosensitivity, irritability, paresthesia, dizziness, sleep disturbances, muscle cramps, night sweats, hypertension, hypotension, headaches and swollen glands. Some experience heavy perspiration, metallic taste in mouth, chills, nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, low grade fever, heart palpitations, tachycardia, facial palsy, tinnitus, mental confusion, uncoordinated movement, pruritus, bone pain, flu-like syndrome, and conjunctivitis.



-Minimize exposure to toxins, including airborne chemicals and pollutants, food containing additives or other chemicals, unnecessary medications, poor water, etc. -Maximize the quality of food, water, and air. -Rest as needed. -Remember that symptoms, though unpleasant, are rarely life threatening and will diminish with time.

CAUTION: A beta blocker will prevent an Epi-Pen from working if you have a true allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Therefore, you will not be able to start BVT until you are no longer on a beta blocker. Also please note: Do NOT use alcohol to clean your skin before stings and DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL within 24 hours before or after stinging. Also, DO NOT STING yourself ON an EMPTY STOMACH.


During the first month or two of BVT, some people experience itching. This can be controlled with an anti-itch cream, ice, or Benadryl (alcohol and dye-free). Do not use hydrocortisone creams, this can react with the venom and cause burns and additional swelling.  The itching is normal and will subside.


Absolutely Necessary

- You MUST obtain an Epi-Pen before starting BVT. Make sure you read the instructions and practice with your epi-trainer. It is also recommended to keep a bottle of Liquid Benadryl (without alcohol and preferably no dye) on hand.

- Vitamin C: minimum of 3000 mg per day, time release is best. It is very important to keep up your vitamin C intake while utilizing BVT. Every day even on none sting days, If you not accustomed to taking Vit C you need to build up before beginning BVT. - Magnesium: minimum 300mg a day - A good multi bio align vitamin may be beneficial - A very good Probiotic too.



1. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, two tablespoons in large glass of water (add 1 TB raw honey if desired). Apple cider vinegar is very helpful in maintaining alkalinity in the body.

2. Alka Seltzer GOLD, six tabs at once in a glass of water 1 - 3 xs / week.  Always listen to your body and do not push it. You will know what you need. Better to go easy than to push. This is not a race. Detox Bath One large bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide with Epsom’s Salts. Sit in the hot bath for at least ten minutes.(Do not take a DETOX BATH on your sting day! It will draw out the bee venom from your system and would be counter-productive.)


Note: if you are unable to bathe get but can get in a sauna or steam room to sweat, place sheets in the freezer, sweat for at least ten minutes, then immediately wrap yourself up in the cold sheets.


The first couple of months may be challenging. After that it does get easier. It is important to note that BVT encourages the body to heal itself and jump-start your immune system. Some people notice that they end up retracing or rewinding symptoms that they had in childhood or the past. For example, if you have had cold sores, you might develop one while doing BVT. This is normal.



It is necessary to start slowly and listen to your body. It is recommended to do no more than 30 to 40 bees a week after the initial ramp up of bees. If you try to hurry the process you may cause damage to the liver and kidneys (Lyme spirochetes often infiltrate the kidneys, plus bee venom processes through the kidneys so be kind to your inner organs; you will be thankful you did).

It is best to start one inch to the right and left of the center of the spine. Stay with the spine for a minimum of one month, preferably two, before venturing out to the limbs. The first month or two is not about treating symptoms, but more about allowing the body to get used to the venom.


When you are ready to sting the extremities, do not go straight from stinging only the back and jump to the knees or elbows. Instead, slowly make your way down the upper leg or arm, perhaps using micro-stings before going to the knees or elbows. This is in addition to, not instead of, stinging the spine area. Remember that the spine stings will take care of most of your issues,


If the herx becomes too severe, it's ok to stop stinging for a day, detox out. and then get back to stings. If, however, there is a break between stings of 2 weeks or more, you will need to do a test sting again and wait, then start again slowly.

Saunas, especially infrared, can be beneficial.


BVT for Lyme protocol

Where do you start and how to begin? 

We always start one inch to the left and right of the center of the spine, as this is where all the nerve stems come out. The bee venom travels down the nerve, so it reaches your extremities from this area. The goal is to sting one inch out from the center of the spine on both sides, keeping it even as you go down the spine over time.


Always begin with a test sting on your back one inch to the side of the center of the spine. If you are right-handed, do the test sting one inch out from the left side of your spine. If you are left-handed go to the right side of the spine. Remove the stinger immediately, sliding it to the side, along the skin, not pulling it straight up into the air. Wait at least 30 mins to see how you’re feeling.


Pay attention to the throat and tongue. If you’re going to have an allergic reaction you will feel your tongue and throat start to swell shut. If this happens, drink half a bottle of Liquid Benadryl. If you have no relief within 30-45 seconds use the Epi-Pen and get medical attention immediately.


Provided there is no adverse reaction, you can do a second sting. Remember to do this on the other side of the spine for balance. You can leave that stinger in 20 minutes. When you are ready to remove it, remember to slide it along the skin. It is best to place stingers in a tissue when removed to prevent a secondary sting.


Ramping up stings

Then skip a day and do 2 more stings. Assuming this goes well, on your next session stay with 2 stings. So you will then have done 2 stings in three consecutive sessions. Then begin ramping up by doing 4 stings three times, 6 stings three times...etc. Continue this gradual ramp up until you are at 10 stings, and tolerating them well. To summarize, the number of stings can be increased by 2 after three separate sessions.


Again, you want to be on a 3 day a week schedule, every other day and then 2 days off. One example might be: Mon, Wed, and Fri, giving yourself the weekend to relax, detox, and recover.

NOTE: For women, you may want to avoid the area around the bra, if you wear one. In general areas that might rub the sting site, like the belt line or waist could also be avoided. Pay attention to how you're feeling and how much you are or are not herxing.

If a herx becomes extreme it's ok to skip a day to detox. This is normal.


BE AWARE: If you have the MTHFR gene mutation, you must ramp up much more slowly than anyone else.


Remember this is not a race and if you push too fast you may hurt your organs.

You may start to itch, swell, or get red right away or around weeks 2-4. Some people find it helpful to use anti-itch cream, ice, or Benadryl. These reactions are normal and will subside within a month or two.


Things to be aware of while stinging regularly

Over time bee venom returns your body to balance.  Some people find it beneficial to include other honeybee products in their diet: honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis.   You may no longer need your meds. If you have gained some weight, you may find yourself dropping that weight. Women may notice that their menses returning to normal.


As you become more comfortable with stinging and feel adventurous, you can now go for more acupuncture points. You can find acupuncture charts online or you can buy Amber Rose's book, " Bee in Balance" on Amazon. Also keep in mind that scars block energy! Therefore, it is very important to sting any scars you have. You will be amazed that scars disappear when sting by bees. You can sting directly on the scar.


As each person is different, experiences will vary. With so many different strains of Lyme and all its numerous co-infections, you may experience things not listed here. On the other hand, you may not experience things that are listed here. For example, some people experience emotional mood swings or a need to cry about 3-5 months after beginning BVT. It’s a healing effect of the bee venom balancing out your emotions along with your hormones.


Please remember that treat Lyme Disease with BVT is a 2-3 year process. After the first year you may experience a return of symptoms, be they will be short-lived.


Please feel free to share your knowledge and experiences with us. Feel free to pass this protocol on to your BVT practitioner or anyone you think it may help.


Nothing contained in this document is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by your physician.



This protocol is copyrighted and was written by Administrators: Amber Rose, Nancy Cleek Dolan, and Terri Schliesser

For safety reasons, we do require all BVT patients to have an EpiPen on hand. While it's extremely unlikely you'll ever use one, it's best to have one on hand.


Other precautions like having Liquid Benadryl on hand are necessary. Patients must learn & follow all of the protocol to prevent an adverse event.

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